Proactive Employee Health Screening
COVID-19 has changed life as we knew it, and likely for the foreseeable future. For companies that are working in office or on premise, one of the greatest concerns is maintaining staff safety. In addition, with new government regulations in place to enforce daily health and COVID-19 screening, there is need for a tool that is efficient and accessible to all.
In comes MEMOTEXT!
To aid with the COVID-19 response we have leveraged our expertise in predictive analytics and engagement to produce a PHIPA and HIPPA compliant digital tool to help you handle assessments, follow-up, and monitoring needed to keep your organization safe. The tool provides:
1) Secure daily automated health assessments to ensure all employees are screened prior to the workday.
2) Early proactive risk identification for decision support around avoiding outbreaks in the workplace and enforcing company policies.
3) A log of all screens for audit purposes and risk mitigation.
Stay informed about what is happening within the organization with an operational dashboard displaying screening risk information and follow-up actions. Use the dashboard to help you schedule employee shifts or monitor for potential outbreaks
In these times, when companies need to be proactive in monitoring people’s physical health and assess risk, leaves opportunity for organizations to leverage digital health technology. The MEMOTEXT platform can work alongside different organizations to create a platform that best supports the companies needs as well as its employees.
If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to or and we can arrange a meeting at your convenience.